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English synopsis of Conference CNZ 2009


Agenda of the conference CNZ 22.09.2009

09.30 – 09.45 Opening of the conference

Eva Drasarova, Director of the National Archives
Jan Heisler, Director of CNZ, o.s.

09.45 – 10.45 KeyNote

Jessie Owen, National Archive, London UK

„Digital Continuity“ is a project of the National Archives of UK, London which is focused on long-term digital preservation of the electronic documents in the public administration of the Great Britain. The scope of this project is to achieve this by delivering a service made up of guidance, technical tools and services and standards. The service will enable government to:

  • understand and assess risks to the continuity of its digital information
  • understand how to mitigate these risks
  • take appropriate action to ensure continued use of business information for as long as it is needed

It is one of the first projects in European Union in this sector, which is planned to be implemented during next year. Private sector are also participating in this project along with the National Archives

11.00 – 12.20 Plenary section

General lectures:

Electronic documents and eGovernment
Miroslav SIRL, CNZ, o.s.

View of Czech Digital Preservation Society (CNZ) on how the theme and particular presentations of this conference, focused on a long-term preservation of digital documents, correspond with contemporary bustling development of eGovernment in Czech Republic.

Status of legislation in the area of eGovernment
Michal RADA, Informatics for citizen initiative

Last year has been plentiful of new laws in the area of eGovernment. These laws bring a lot of changes for citizens, private sector and mostly the public sector and government. What will these changes bring in the future? What will the new legislation bring us in practical life?

How to manage preservation of digital documents after 1st November 2009
Miroslav KUNT, National Archives 

New laws and proposed adjustments of existing laws bring new obligations and new possibilities for the documents and records management. A brief survey how to work with electronic documents under the new legislation requirements.

Issue of long-term digital preservation of documents with digital signature
Vladimír STRALKA, ADOBE Systems s.r.o. 

Issue of application of the digital signature and standard file format PDF for long-term trustworthy digital documents. Application of PDF standard within the scope new Czech laws.

13.20 – 14.50 Sections

Section A

What is the Data vault? Secure storage of data messages.
Petr Stiegler, Radek Smolík
Joint presentation of Czech post s.p. + Telefónica O2Czech Republic a.s.

Data vault – a new product in the offer of the Czech post for users of the “data boxes”. It extends functionality of Information system of data boxes (ISDS) by secure preservation of data messages. Functional specification and life presentation of the product Data vault.

Oracle solution for long-term preservation of digital documents
Jiří Machotka, ORACLE Czech s.r.o. 

How to accomplish requirements of the novel of the new archival law? Complete life cycle of a document from creation or reception, through its “life” in archive, to the final phrase – archiving or shredding the document.

Automation of processes and conversion of documents and maintaining their legal effects
Pavel Nemrava, Software602, a.s.

Automation of processes brings basic tasks. Workflow, which can be now implemented with simple forms solution linked to the existing information systems. Within the framework of automation of processes, conversion of paper originals is covered with maintaining legal effects, too.

Section B

Experiences with implementation of records management systems in large private organizations
Jan Janota, AUTOCONT CZ a.s.

Case study of implementation of Records management and its connection to business critical systems of Telefónica O2 Czech Republic a.s. Comparison of implementation of central and distributed records management solution.

Implementation of digital trustworthy repository
Pavel Paces, ICZ a.s.

Regarding to the fact, that some documents have shredding time limit 30, 50 and even more years, it is crucial to consider preservation in electronic registry as a long term data preservation. Important features of trustworthy electronic registry and the requirements of implementation and operating this kind of system in organizations.

Security as an integral attribute of high-quality data preservation
Jan Bares, CORPUS Solutions, a.s.

Long term preservation is purposeful only if it is guaranteed that after years I am able to withdraw the same thing I have deposited. Lecture covers issues of security of digital documents during their whole life cycle.

Long term preservation of digital documents and integration to ISDS
Jaroslav Lubas, Aplis, a.s.

Civil aviation Authority case study. Benefits and advantages of processing digital documents and its integration to information system of data boxes (ISDS).

15.00– 16.10 Sections              

Section C

Usage of ADOBE products for conversion and preservation of digital documents
Vladimír Stralka, ADOBE Systems s.r.o.

Adobe company presents solutions which allow public sector organizations to substitute paper documents with their digital version very quickly and effectively under conditions of new laws.

Document audit principles, methods and their benefits
Petr Koran

This audit will analyze the current status of document centric processes and their correction according to the new legal usage of digital documents. Proposal of appropriate changes for ensuring the conformity with the new legislation. Audit has to identify impacts of these changes on current systems and eliminate or at least reduce the risks arising from the new system of processing of digital documents. Concrete experiences and results.

Usage of digital documents in private sector, legal aspects, problems
Libor Prokes

Current issues of creation, usage and archiving electronic documents in private sector and organizations. Issues of digitals communication in private sector.

Section D

ERMS systems and National standard for systems of electronic records management
Tomas Dvorak, Prague city Archives

General premises for creating electronic records management systems with regard to the new legislation effective from 1/7 2009. Key functional requirements of national standard, which consist of

  • methodical and technical terms for records management by their originators
  • formats for preserving documents and their metadata (information about information) in relevant information systems.

National standard for Electronic Records Management Systems (ERMS) from the view of ERMS providers
Tomas Lechner, CNZ, o.s.

General view of the records management providers on this new law. Comments by companies involved in production, development and implementation of records management systems to the national standard for ERMS.

Technology centre – project of Vysocina region
Petr Pavlinec, Vysocina region

Experiences of regional authorities with basic preparations for medium term and long term data digital preservation. Topics of this presentation are project of regional digital archives, regional high-speed ROWAnet, regional data centers and regional Storage Area Network.

16:15 – 16:45 Plenary section, conclusions of the conference
